Huge thanks to Surplus Food for Good

Thank you so much to all at Surplus Food for Good for our amazing collections of surplus food in the past few months. We are so grateful for everything we have received, and our team have been able to distribute this to many within our community.

We collected from events in Nottingham, Warwickshire and Birmingham and came away with an incredible selection of fresh fruit and vegetables, chilled goods, and frozen stock. This food has been distributed to local nursery’s, schools, churches, supported living accommodation, family networks and in food parcels. This food is invaluable to our organisation to carry on supporting as many people as we can.

Thank you to Universal Cookery and Food Festival, NACA and LACA for all their donations to Surplus Food for Good. Huge thanks to Cathy Amos and Rodger Kellow for all their continued help and support.

